Full report available from download on our website4.
Leticia Hosang, BSc
Leticia is a sports science, sports psychology and neuroscience researcher, previously working with Brunel London University and exploring the effects of exercise on brain activity.
1. Rugby Safe Research, England Rugby. https://www.englandrugby.com/participation/playing/player-welfare-rugby-safe/rugbysafe-research
2. Al-Kashmiri, A., & Delaney, J. S. (2006). Head and neck injuries in football (soccer). Trauma, 8(3), 189–195. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1460408606071144
3. Concussion in Sport, Rezon. https://www.rezonwear.com/definitions/concussion/
4. Download the Bristol Bears Full Report: https://www.conka.io/business