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ChC5+1: CONKA Formula Component no3.

CONKA Formula Name: (ChC5+1)


CONKA Herbal Complex (5 key herbs + 1 supplementary)

Component 3 - Melissa Officinalis (MO)

Pronunciation: muh·li·suhuh·fuh·see·uh·naa·luhs

The Facts:

Backed by History:

Mankind has known and used MO for over 2000 years yet it hasn't been collected for a synergistic effect-with the CONKA 5+1 botanicals.

Melissa Officinalis (MO) is indigenous to the United Kingdom. Melissa is derived from the Greek for ‘honey bee’ and was observed by Pliny the Elder, a Roman author, naturalist and natural philosopher, as great for attracting bees.

Before capsule technology, the tea was grown to combat mental confusion, and functional medicine to extend lifespan. In the 17th century, French Carmelite nuns used MO-infused water to improve memory, vision, and reduce fever, melancholy, and congestion.

It was almost a hundred years before that during the 16th century when English botanist John Gerard, gave it to his students to “quicken the senses”.

The most recent research shows lemon balm has remarkable healing and regenerative effects on your brain, stimulates memory, and supports health.

So What?

How does it make you feel?

You should experience an increased power of focus along with a sense of calm even in environments of known to disrupt your cool and attention.

It has been used in replacement of Xanex (a pharmaceutical used to combat anxiety) which is important considering the irritability that typically follows head impacts or repeated minor head impacts over a sports season.

Users report it to put order to racing thoughts and work to improve sleep hygiene, without making you drowsy.

MO has served as an important tool for brain recovery and performance for millennia and now it is made accessible and synergistically superior with CONKA memberships for those with an injured brain or demanding daily schedule.

How does Melissa Officinalis Work in the Brain?

Active components include:

1. Eugenol is an antioxidant 5-times more potent than the active component found in Vitamin E. This improves your body’s natural healing processes by eliminating free radicals that build up when you are fatigued and particularly following a head impact.

MO also helps increase levels of your body’s most powerful built-in antioxidants, dismutase and glutathione peroxidase.

2. Rosmarinic Acid promotes an anti-depressant effect in your brain by up-regulating brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), along with supporting dopamine synthesis.

Why does CONKA include Melissa Officinalis?

MO x Neuroprotectant:

MO is a potent antioxidant and scavenger of free radicals that occupy and toxify the brain following a head impact.

Neurotransmitters are your brain's chemical messengers and MO affects brain levels of acetylcholine (ACh) which is an important neurotransmitter. MO reduces the effect of acetylcholinesterase (AChE). AChE is an enzyme, a biological pair of scissors that have the prime purpose to breaks chemicals down. AChE breaks down ACh. So the more you can inhibit the enzyme breaking down ACh the more greater the effect of ACh you have in your brain which improves inter-brain communication and therefore memory and cognition.

ATAI life sciences with a market cap of $820 million have recently acquired a company that has a product with a first aid approach to concussion working specifically on the biological relationship of ACh & AChE.

Too much AChE (the enzyme) is associated with Alzheimer’s disease, and excess AChE restricts brain signaling. One way to prevent this signal failure is to prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine. CONKA is preparing you for cognition control later in life, and we know that doing this proactively is the difference between keeping and losing control of your mind.

MO x Anxiety and Stress:

MO has a significant anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effect. It raises brain levels of the neurotransmitter GABA by inhibiting the enzyme GABA transaminase (a process described above with the ACh & AChE relationship). This has a positive effect on mood regulation and sleep hygiene.

MO x Bloodflow:

The active component Rosmarinic Acid in the herb encourages blood flow, which helps to keep brain cells from dying later in life but also in accelerated moments of toxicity like following head trauma. The result is that your brain is stimulated, memories continue to form, and brain fog is eliminated.

Importantly, brain fog is the number one symptom of the 30% of UK Covid-19 patients that have lasting psychiatric symptoms and it is usually the last persisting symptom of post-concussion syndrome, and from my experience after bouts of prolonged stress or physical exertion like 24hour or multi-day ultra-marathon races.

MO x Synergy:

MO has never been recorded to have been combined with the other specific 5 herbal components included in the CONKA formula (ChC 5+1). For the first time CONKA scientific trials have monitored the synergistic enhancing effect it has on the other components and the human brain.

Backed By Science:

(I) Effects of Melissa officinalis L. on oxidative status and DNA damage in subjects exposed to long-term low-dose ionizing radiation

Akbar Zeraatpishe 1, Shahrbano Oryan, Mohammad Hadi Bagheri, Ali Asghar Pilevarian, Ali Akbar Malekirad, Maryam Baeeri, Mohammad Abdollahi

(II)Zeraatpishe A., Oryan S., Bagheri M.H., Pilevarian A.A., Malekirad A.A., Baeeri M., Abdollahi M. “Effects of Melissa officinalis L. on oxidative status and DNA damage in subjects exposed to long-term low-dose ionizing radiation.” Toxicology and Industrial Health. 2011 Apr;27(3):205-12.

(III) Kennedy D.O., Wake G., Savelev S., Tildesley N.T., Perry E.K., Wesnes K.A., Scholey A.B. “Modulation of mood and cognitive performance following acute administration of single doses of Melissa officinalis (Lemon balm) with human CNS nicotinic and muscarinic receptor-binding properties.” Neuropsychopharmacology. 2003 Oct;28(10):1871-81.

(IV) Luan H., Kan Z., Xu Y., Lv C., Jiang W. “Rosmarinic acid protects against experimental diabetes with cerebral ischemia: relation to inflammation response.” Journal of Neuroinflammation. 2013 Feb 17;10:28.

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